2014 and what next for Surface Languages??!

Apparently, six people read this blog yesterday.

Six! Can that be true? Has my blog really gone viral so soon? Well, happy Christmas, buon Natale, feliz Navidad, Boże Narodzenie and all the rest to you good folks (and anyone else who stumbles into my parlour).

You six are all special, and don’t forget it. Apart from being intelligent, good-looking and all around good eggs, you are also the first to hear about my plans for next year. These are :-

1. Six new languages for Surface languages. Icelandic and Basque will be two of them.

2. Add a lot more Russian to SL. Yay!

3. I will add an export facility to SurfaceTexts (and any other features that seem particularly cool). There is an ‘export’ button which is not plumbed in. No code as yet.

4. I will add some more languages to the crossword/puzzle section of SL.

5. I will start and finish a new game for the iPad/iPhone … I have what I consider a completely awesome idea – which based on past experience isn’t necessarily a good indicator of success, but nevertheless I am going for it.

6. Improve my Italian from my current (weak) B1 level to B2.

7. Continue learning Polish, and maybe start chatting on-line once I improve. I’m still at the level of idę do parku na spacer (I go to the park for a walk) , so chatting on-line is not so productive.

It is number five that currently has my attention. I almost have a design (in my head). W00t W00t! Ph34r de coding skilz 3tc.



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