Translation and translators

Practical suggestions on how to get the best translation possible.

English to Russian translation Challenges and pitfalls.

English to Spanish translation Challenges and solutions.

Legal translation Possibly the most challenging of all translation work.

Spanish legal translation More on legal translation.

Using translators: How to find, choose and work with translators.

And for a bit of fun translate from binary into English and back.

And for even more fun translate text to and from Morse code.

Translators. Your experiences

There are two sides to every story, and here the translators can talk back.

Are you a translator? If you are would you like to share any of your experiences here? If you are interested (and a translator), and want to share your experiences, drop me a line or a comment on the blog and I'll get back to you. Obviously, you can also promote your experience, and over time (as Surfacelanguages receives a lot of visitors) it might help you. Or maybe not. Who knows?

Coming soon.