Spanish idioms

A collection of Spanish idioms (including literal translations).

Pasar la noche en blanco

To sleep badly. Literally 'to pass the night in white'

I slept badly Me he pasado la noche en blanco
Patas arriba

To be in a mess. Literally patas arriba means 'paws upwards'.

in a mess. patas arriba
My life is a mess. Mi vida está patas arriba
The house is in a mess La casa esta patas arriba
Importar un pimiento

To not matter at all. Literally importar un pimiento means 'to matter/bother a pepper'.

It doesn't matter to me who wins the elections Me importa un pimiento quien gana las elecciones
Estar de mala leche

To be in a bad mood. Literally estar de mala leche means 'to be with bad milk'.

I'm in a bad mood Estoy de mala leche
Leventarse con el pie izquierdo

To get up on the wrong side of bed levantarse con el pie izquierda means 'tto get up with the left foot'.

Ser un loro

To be a chatterbox Ser un loro literally means 'to be a parrot'.

Estar como sardinas en lata

To be cramped Estar como sardinas en lata literally means 'to be like sardines in a tin'.

A gatas

To be on all fours a gatas literally means 'as cats'.

Matar el gusanillo

To have a snack matar el gusanillo literally means 'to feed the little worm'.

Hacer la negra

To have bad luck hacer la negra literally means 'to do/make the black'.

Tener memoria de elefante

To have the memory of an elephant tener memoria de elefante literally means 'to have the memory of elephant'. So that's the same as the English:)

Tener memoria de mosquito

To have the memory of a goldfish tener memoria de mosquito literally means 'to have the memory of a mosquito'.

Ir al quinto pino

To go a long way ir al quinto pino literally means 'to go to the fifth pine'.

We went a long way Fuimos al quinto pino
Hay cuatro gatos

There is hardly anyone there hay quatro gatos literally means 'there are four cats'.

Me suena a chino

It's Greek to me me suena a chino literally means 'it sounds chinese'.