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How to introduce people in Croatian

The most straight-forward way of introducing somone in Croatian is Ovo je .. 'This is ...'.

You might, in a formal setting want to add 'mister' or 'mrs', which are gospodin and gospođa respectively.

Ovo je gospodin Smit 'This is Mr Smith'.

For those who are interested, the word supruga has been used for 'wife' but Žena is also commonly used. Žena also translates as 'woman' and so has a wider meaning than supruga.

The same can be said for suprug which could have been translated as muž, in for example, the following sentence njezin muž se zove Jakov 'Her husbands name is Jacob'.

How to say hello?

Bok 'Hello', Dobro jutro 'good morning' (and other basic expressions) are covered in the following video by Easy Croatian:

Croatian holiday phrases

Croatian phrases ordered by topic.

A few first words. 1, A few first words. 2, Bathroom. Items found in the bathroom, Bedroom. Items found in the bedroom, Buying things. General phrases, Buyings things. Useful words, Countries, Communication problems, Conversation. Introductions, Conversation. Small talk. 1, Conversation. Small talk. 2, Conversation. Filler words, Conversation. Small talk. Sport, Conversation. Small talk. The weather, Days. General, Days of the week and seasons, Describing things. Colours, Describing things. Adjectives, Directions. 1, Directions. 2, Eating items, Eating phrases. 1, Eating phrases. 2, Emergencies, Family, Food and drink. General phrases, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 1, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 2, Food and drink. At the bar or café. 3, General phrases, Getting around. General phrases, Getting around. Train and bus, Getting around by taxi, Getting around by car, Health, Household items, Money, Months of the year, Numbers. 1 to 10, Numbers. 11 to 20, Numbers. 30 to 1000, Parts of the body, Places and buildings. 1, Places and buildings. 2, Question and size words, Sightseeing, Somewhere to stay. 1, Somewhere to stay. 2, Special occasions, Time, The house, Useful words, Useful words to recognize, Words to do with food. General, Words to do with food. Fruit, Words to do with food. Meat, Vegetables.